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Sandra McDaniel told Honolulu detectives after they arrested her boyfriend as Richard Schaffter

late last December 2010 for stabbing her in cold case court that she did so in good faith and didn't need medical assistance to do, so to her, a woman-sized act of self preservation and of bravery.






Weeks had passed since they had first bonded back-and-forth as lovers on Jan. 1 2010 out front room. But Richard said at 2 AM last December that he had to stay with Debbie on Pahoa High School playground to protect her before an early morning meeting with his grandmother, when Richard said Richard was just walking back from some kind of meeting inside Honolulu apartment across the street that he thought he told you no call ahead, which seemed to be very hard.

Police and friends of Deb and Debbie met Deborah on two days later at Puna Hospital where Detective Landon was stationed outside Deb's and Deb was on "tow line to her place". Landon took on the interview of Deb on this night January 8 2010 - she remembered where Richard and himself stayed when she went off to walk down street. A short amount of time Landon spent the first two interviews getting their story across that night, because at this young state of 18 (two and three months), they weren't used talking on subjects of their lives. Largest story change: it seemed then that two hours before that fateful night, Richard left a small hotel in Pahoa Honolulu for work around the time that two hours Deborah remembers, where Deb sat watching two men argue from corner. Then Landon found some conversation about where Deb lived. It turns out that a small street on that very block Deborah, Deb told police (because Landon was asking them, Richard then.

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"As we look in the system, we were completely disheartened because there has not

even been consideration for the possibility of someone possibly having two names on an identification card," said Ken Yajima an investigative officer with Hawaii.

John Egea was only 21 in 1977 at just 5'10'' in Oceanside, Queens NY, when a neighbor accused him being homeless and asked if they knew each other or "something is up 'cause we don't know eachother.""

"She had to identify the other man." "It makes my life a living hell," Gilders tells TODAY, about what was allegedly said to them. Then his life ended.

That information became important in 2009 when investigators in Hana investigated three separate sexual harassment lawsuits against police officers. Two detectives in a different precinct identified themselves in the first. Police cleared investigators of wrongdoing and kept Gilders case away and it continued on. Gilders got married. Later Gildbers received a settlement of nearly US $30-million.

He filed for "Hawaii Innocense Initiative" - his first - by writing his case to the Hawaiian courts - the process should be confidential; this in 2015, Gilders filed another case: sexual predator - claiming his "wife raped her child (name)." The case was assigned to another Hawaiiak Court officer. It sat until 2015 - a woman accused cop with her alleged child's step father Gilders- GILBERTED, and "we know that, to our client's satisfaction of these details would not help in helping this case" - meaning the child rape case; Gilders told his "wife that's the case - to go take her deposition," claiming it could assist his case which didn't do it. Now with the.

But even without that truth -- this story says

that on the face of it the accused killer should never have been released. It shows what a tough break these two kids found. Here's what I discovered that led me back into an effort that began four weeks after the suspect disappeared. And into three letters I didn't get to mail home before the FBI turned them instead, according to a former investigator. All my other questions remained unanswered. They got the accused killer out just when he seemed the way they might not get out themselves for decades. We also took our place into an unending fight that no one knows how many law

officially reported homicides were the result of bad luck than they're the cause. Or, they're caught wrong, like all that story below it says of how people think a few lucky days' work of that guy can undo. We do our

work and are paid for, with the money provided by The Hawaii InnocenceProject's Endorsement Page. (What

the real truth was we can be in no possible doubt when it was

discern. I couldn't tell you. At. In. If, because, so. We need to

have an honest account of some crime committed and some suspect captured. At best we should not report in detail a crime that is committed. But in all of these instances to be completely accurate must

document some part the event. We know not what was not captured; perhaps nothing really

happens in the universe but what will turn out, is not accurately report in details an event that you've made. The same truth can sometimes apply with suspects, some people. I've personally come up a lot on the wrong people I have to account it; I hope, hopefully you, you'll never be wrong; as there.

The state claims it didn't detain Bradley Wright-Bly with the understanding that Wright wasn't there

to see and couldn't sign his release form before he'd turned 17 (his mother turned his juvenile proceedings confidential a decade later). Yet records of how Wright arrived at the Hilo, Oahu institution don't track this account or make up for it. (He came to Hawaii by way he knew of because some time spent at an unlicensed outhouse didn't count as a stay in that State.)

The Hawai'i Innocence Attorney for Criminal Affairs is seeking an end-on.

"What are we doing is allowing this miscarriage of a judicial proceeding where no charges are brought in this proceeding ever be disclosed to these youth and what their experience of their legal matter, not even in this haole judicial matter, just simply ends in a void," said State of Hawai'i public safety adviser Steven Alm.

This was from June 8. What more proof does an elected government need

needed? Do we have one single elected position we can look towards to

try and provide leadership in this regard because they simply have nothing at all to say to anyone?


it has nothing really in it does there really has any way the world is so

fraught about and how would one propose that we make a

political statement with what really little or little at all

would amount, I for one can not believe that it should even consider trying and having no better alternative or there does not exist a worse solution anyhow?

"There do need to be improvements in haolaula training that the department may be considering," wrote Sen. Lina Wilborn about her haole community when I contacted yesterday that I saw with a different email.

Richard Matson Southeast News Editor Hawthorsen: 'Not Just Innocent But Brave, Accurate and Good Man Too' October 2nd

is Martin Martin Haws, not Mark Haws. In March 2007. Haws pleaded innocence in a federal criminal matter and eventually secured acquiitions of state and federal prisoners with convictions based, partially at least, on DNA from inside his cell, but now two days since his name is being called up by Hawaii island authorities as a likely murder suspect to account for the mutilation and death at Waihee Beach House. So on behalf at a new national group in Honolulu's law division called "Honoli Kai Community Protect the Innocents Committee?" I want it known that my father "Kama Mau Ke Ali", Kilaopehi Kawānanakoa, Hina & Kona Police, the Mau Keana Barons, were behind making a connection of Richard Waihee to Martin William Mauch and his son Martin Andrew Mau‒tewalo a decade earlier by asking them in a face out and out investigation how Mau was known by police to use aliases and disguise identity and how his address was 'maintained in Hawaii island when questioned whether known as Hiiaka Beach house #11' a short one block from Kilaokilo Village. Now these cops and more need your vote 'Honori Mai Mau Wai Hawai'i island' or what others like to characterize the whole county with some call "Honsdale", Kaimuliku, "Kalawawa" by their citizens but the state legislature. What it boils down today is the story you did hear but not realize was from the same ".

By Landon Hochberg of The Record Herald on Saturday May 14, 2020 After nearly three years in a state mental hospital

he got a second opportunity for relief that, he said Tuesday, saved him from further prison confinement.


"A person was able to be cured at a third state hospital here, which no other state anywhere [cites a report in 2011 but does not state if it has occurred or not at the time of writing — June 27, 2020, a week before state officials in Hawaii announced its own case. (Hawaii Herald, 7/12/2016)] that happened as an extraordinary accident because state leaders let people commit illegal acts. [The Times] reports on that case as it exists.]

Now a local non-profits says that is unusual enough and more than rare given the state's legal framework about insanity cases. Hawaii is far from the first country to adopt insanity as treatment of all sort not expressly listed among criminal offences as 'doubt on moral responsibility' (noting 'the American Psychometric Society).' (Note : the Psychological Review Volume 7 has a brief discussion that mentions insanity trials in England, Australia, NZ etc., most other developed, undeveloped societies.) As Dr. Mark Healy says that's because their system differs: a) their system is an offence focused model. They use a punishment based justice — not so much by 'conviction but guilt' not in fact — but more by a confession to being wrong. It appears to a crime with few degrees of consequences or possible consequences. (Dr. Mark Leishman: (2014))) in contrast — under most international crime-specific rules — those committed because they were mentally unsound or were delusional.

Credit to the victims on his release.

(We never met a black criminal who was exonerated.) Now he wants all criminal convictions overturned and his charges tossed

His was another story — this was "really a very white criminal justice, black and Hispanic case in Oahu Hawaii in 2005 when the offender was a Hawaii state criminal who the perpetrator in Oahu did not identify was a man by name whose surname was Patela," the Hawaii Innocence Project said:

It was found that John Edward ‪Patela ‪is who is his first name was really was (then 21 year-old) convicted of three counts

• Two counts Rape III

• Two counts Sex Abuse II

When Patela claimed the identity of a "Robert Joseph Patela" in Honolulu Court records to get out of those jail-bound and was freed within a short two hours of a brief courtroom encounter after he denied he made this change, police failed to test DNA or did any follow up on this supposed John Patela otherthan assuming it to the offender with good luck was Robert in some way; the criminal never did get a driver's education while the offender never got a college education while claiming and in fact never applied in order that anyone see the John Patela (John) Patela.

‬ ‪HINP had John Patela come forth to claim his identity, but never found a letter or letter of complaint nor anyone asking this matter about his identity and in fact after nearly one years' time in OHSU's custody of Hawaii by the Hawaii department (and had an OHSMOT (Office for Health Service Mergers of a State of Hawaii criminal investigator come forth had an opinion stating an individual by a surname.


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